Conscious Movement and Dance

We are our body. This is the vehicle that allows us to feel, perceive and experience our life, giving us direct access to our individuality and true identity, beyond what we explain ourselves with our mind. Due to multiple constraints, we have dissociated from him as if it was an independent external body. Dance and conscious movement help us return home, regain contact with ourselves and get fascinated with the miracle that we are. Our body is the direct source of information to know how we are here and now, as well as the source of our past experiences, also recorded there.

When we explore our movement and conscious breathing we see the correspondence between our actions, emotions and thinking. The movement or lack of it reveals our emotional world, their qualities of thought and what we do with it, allowing an awareness that in turn opens to a potential unknown freedom and creativity.

Opening to new possibilities, our being is unlocked and healthy, becoming more fluid and revitalized in a simple and natural way. We have more space to feel, and when we allow that, peace, joy and confidence flows spontaneously again.

The movement also connect us with the essential energies that move us and in which we move, forces that drive us and are linked to the 5 elements of which we are composed, some opposing and some complementary, and that express themselves in the entire experience cycle: from the resting state, to the energy peak and back to zero point. Learning how to consciously express each of these energies related to the earth, fire, water, air and space in which everything happens, we harmonize our being and allow healing and integration.

Conscious Dance benefits

– Increase contact with ourselves through body awareness
– Learn how to express with security, acceptance and trust all aspects of our being
– Become aware of ideas, concepts and old patterns that no longer serve us.
– Learn to live in the ‘here now’ with open and flexible concepts.
– Learn how to express ourselves in a conscious and creative way, in an environment of honesty, respect for ourselves and for others, without comparisons, ratings or judgments.
-Transfer this openness to everyday life.

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